New products and services are the lifeblood of any industry. Businesses that constantly innovate thrive - those that don't die.
Free from the large corporate culture, small businesses are the perfect incubators of innovation. Yet given the enormous R&D expenditures of large corporations and their armies of patent attorneys, small businesses are at a distinct disadvantage. The congressionally mandated Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program can help level the playing field.
Every year the SBIR/STTR program awards about $2.5 billion to small businesses with innovative ideas for new products. The SBIR program can be a key component of your business's financing plan without diluting your ownership and control. For this reason, the SBIR program is very competitive - only about 1 out of 8 Phase I submissions receive awards. Often small businesses don't know which opportunities they should pursue, they have no experience with the SBIR program or writing SBIR proposals, and they are up against "professional SBIR" companies who do nothing more than feed off of SBIR funding without ever commercializing their "innovations". We want the nations investment in the SBIR/STTR programs to go to the truly innovative companies.
InteliSpark was founded to work with start-ups, universities, venture capital firms and economic development help small companies with truly innovative ideas succeed with their SBIR/STTR proposals. We have a proven track record, and work on shared-risk, shared-reward basis. We only get our full fee if you win!