InteliSpark client Rayonix LLC has been awarded a grant worth $4,993,878 from the Department of Energy for their project, “Development and Commercialization of Novel Two-Color X-ray Photon Counting Pixel Array Detector”. With this project, Rayonix hopes to advance scientific and technological fields such as nanoscale devices, solar energy conversion, and energy storage materials.
New and advanced synchrotron X-ray beamlines and sources are currently being constructed worldwide. Along with the upgrades, these facilities require fast new X-ray detectors to complement and foster new scientific applications. New detector capabilities are needed for the study of fast material and molecular kinetics, in the intense domain for keeping up with brighter X-ray sources, and in the energy discrimination domain for combining area detection with new energy resolution techniques. In this Phase II project, Rayonix will focus on developing and commercializing a fast new hybrid pixel array detector for use in materials science experiments at these facilities.
The novelty of Rayonix’s detector is its ability to record two simultaneous X-ray images at different colors or sample times. It also has the ability to accurately measure more intense X-rays than previously possible. In Phase I, Rayonix developed a prototype X-ray detector with dual imaging. With this phase II award, they will develop a larger-sized X-ray detector, that will be designed and built in three stages, each stage being bench tested and characterized with X-rays. Rayonix also will invite outside scientists to perform synchrotron experiments in real-world pump-probe experiments, to prove the user-friendliness and commercialization potential of their product.