Quantified Habits wins Phase I NSF SBIR award

InteliSpark client Quantified Habits has won a National Science Foundation Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant worth $225,000 for the project “Digital Health Coaching Using Context-sensitive Data.” This will enable Quantified Habits to compete for a NSF Phase II SBIR award worth $750,000.  Quantified Habits designs engaging products and experiences that enable users to take control of their health by cultivating repeatable healthy behaviors.

The SBIR project will develop technology to help people to cultivate lifestyle changes. For a lifestyle disease patient, it is very difficult to change lifelong habits to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Hence, compliance with the recommendations of a doctor or coach is a long-standing problem. Several reminder and tracker apps attempt to help with compliance and adoption of healthy lifestyle. Unlike such solutions, the Quanifited Habits approach is unique in its ability to proactively intervene with highly targeted interventions at the right moment, which is when compliance is most likely. Such moments will be captured through the ability of the platform to incorporate context-sensitivity. The platform will understand the context of each patient and will enable the coach to deliver interventional messages at the right moment, thereby increasing the likelihood of compliance and assisting with formation of healthy habits. The platform also provides scalability without significant loss in personalization.